The conflicts presented in the piece have several possible approaches:
- The psychiatric: we speak of a subject with dissociative personality disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder.
- The psychological: it talks about the self and identity.
- The philosophical: deals with individuality in a society that homogenizes and alienates. What makes a person what they are? We are judged and imprisoned for what we do. What if they did it for our thoughts?
"The repetition factor, under the perspective of the search for pleasure, is a vehicle of reencounter with identity and, in the case of children, of the ego formation. Freud expounded on the case of the adult who is bored by hearing a joke or seeing the same play for the second time since novelty is the condition of enjoyment for him. The child, however, does not tire of hearing the same story, is implacable concerning the identity of repetition and corrects every variation the storyteller introduces. On the contrary, compulsive repetition awakens the sense of rejection, conceived as the repressed that returns".
Rebeca Martín López.
"Why do we repeatedly expose ourselves to the temptation to make the same mistakes? Psychologists know that the choice of friends, and even more so of partners, is not a matter of chance. It is not a matter of luck but of scripts that intertwine. The scripts are generally based on infantile illusions, so we repeat wrong actions and decisions, establishing harmful existential positions for ourselves and others".
Manuel Arboccó de los Heros.
"It is not unknown to us that, when things get ugly, we either avoid them or laugh. And when we cry? We know that preventing ourselves from crying and systematically blocking human pain is dangerous for the mind and body. The past, which has never fully passed, assaults us numerous times. Many of the supposed problems of the past have not passed but are still alive and kicking and torturing us".
Manuel Arboccó de los Heros.
Freud spoke of projection as a powerful defence mechanism, which consists of attributing to another person negative characteristics that, in reality, are ours. What if nothing of what we have seen has happened? What if the things we have seen are the options that our head has considered before reaching a conclusion or giving us an answer?
The distortion of the SPACE-TEMPORAL dimension in the creation supports this idea of fiction. The work transits between;
- The perception of what appears to the audience as REALITY.
- The IMAGINATION of the characters.
- The REALITY of our main character.
Freud also spoke of repression as a powerful mechanism that hides from our mind what we hate about ourselves. That is why the double is a disturbing presence. The possibility of meeting ourselves causes uneasiness and even dread. There is no one better than oneself to unravel what we hide, even if we do not know that we hide something. That is why we prefer to live in blissful ignorance of who we are and never have to encounter ourselves.
We may have only opened the door to the subconscious of a person trying to recover his past after having run away from it.
Subversion when altering the rules by truncating a supernatural phenomenon (the double) in an everyday anecdote. But subversion also by witnessing an exceptional action (the rooftop) as if it were a simple situation.